Why You Need a Professional for Heating and AC Repair

July 22nd, 2024

Many homeowners enjoy doing DIY projects and putting their own personal touch on their homes. And with the incredibly wide range of how-to videos available online, it’s easy to learn new skills! It’s great if you can give your kitchen a facelift with new cupboard door handles or brighten up your child’s room with a fresh coat of paint.

But there are some things you really shouldn’t try to do yourself. When it comes to your HVAC system, take a step back and let someone else handle your installation, maintenance, and repair needs. Why do you need a professional for heating and AC repair? There are many reasons. We’ll cover the most important ones here.

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The Difference Prompt AC Repair Can Make

July 8th, 2024

When you know—or even just suspect—that something is wrong with your air conditioner, it can be tempting to wait and see. Will it be okay for a while longer, so you don’t have to worry about repairs right away? Will it somehow magically fix itself? No! Don’t postpone AC repair. Having a technician check out any air conditioning problems as soon as possible will make a big difference. Here’s what we mean.

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Smelly AC? These Odors Mean You Need Repair!

June 24th, 2024

Air conditioners can be a little bit finicky. And if something goes wrong, you might not realize at first. One way you might notice a clue that there’s a problem with your air conditioner is with your nose. It’s true! Your air conditioner should not make any odors. If you’ve got a smelly AC, it needs to be repaired. What smells can happen? What do they mean? We’ll tell you.

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Allergies? It’s Time for an Air Purifier

June 10th, 2024

This time of year, if you’re an allergy sufferer, you’re probably really suffering. There’s a major uptick in pollen during the springtime, especially tree pollen. The humidity is also increasing, and it will continue to do so throughout the summer. This leads to increased levels of other allergens, so even if you’re not allergic to pollen, you may be experiencing allergy symptoms.

All of this adds up to a very unpleasant set of circumstances that make it very hard to enjoy this beautiful time of year. But we’ve got good news for you! There’s no need to keep suffering. If you have allergy symptoms or other respiratory irritation, an air purifier can make you breathe easier and help you to enjoy the springtime. 

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Recent Energy-Efficient AC Innovations

May 27th, 2024

If you’ve got an aging air conditioner, you may already have realized that it’s not as efficient as it once was. Maintenance, performed by a qualified professional once a year, can keep AC efficiency pretty steady for quite a while. But eventually, even that won’t be enough to prevent the efficiency of your air conditioner from dropping. 

Here’s something you might not have known, though: today’s efficient air conditioners are far and away more efficient than even the top-of-the-line systems were when you bought your last air conditioner. Not just more efficient than those air conditioners are now—more efficient than they were when they were brand-new. How are these new high-efficiency air conditioners able to save so much energy? We’ll tell you!

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Your Pets May Be Damaging Your Air Conditioner

May 13th, 2024

Many things can potentially cause damage to an air conditioner. A storm-flung tree branch can hit the outdoor unit. Water from a roof leak or plumbing emergency can do serious harm to the electrical components of the indoor unit. Some of these things can’t be avoided or prepared for. But did you know that your pets could also be damaging your AC system? This you can do something about. Here’s the info you need.

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When Is AC Repair an Emergency?

April 15th, 2024

In our climate, air conditioning isn’t a luxury. It’s absolutely necessary at certain times of year for your comfort, and a lack of AC can pose serious health risks. So when something goes wrong with your air conditioner, you have to take it seriously. You can’t just ignore it. 

Air conditioner repair is essential when your cooling system isn’t providing the relief you need, or is exhibiting strange symptoms that could lead to a major breakdown. But that doesn’t mean that every AC problem requires immediate action. When is an AC repair an actual emergency? We’ll share some guidelines that might help you make that decision.

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HVAC Problems: Is It Your Air Conditioner or Your Ducts?

April 1st, 2024

Your home’s HVAC system is large and complex. It’s got a heater and an air conditioner. It’s got a thermostat. It’s got ducts to conduct the heated and cooled air throughout your home. It might even have a dehumidifier or an air purifier. So when something goes wrong, it’s not always a problem with the part of the system you think it is.

For much of the year here in Orlando, we use our air conditioners quite heavily. So when we’re not getting the cool air we expect, we’re quick to blame the AC unit. But what if the problem is elsewhere in the HVAC system? How can you tell whether it’s your air conditioner or your ducts having an issue? Here are some clues.

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AC Sounds that Mean You Need Repair

March 18th, 2024

Your air conditioner’s ability to communicate with you is pretty limited. It can’t just say, “Excuse me, I’m not feeling so well.” But it will often make some noise when it’s struggling with a problem. If you’re familiar with the regular sounds of your air conditioner operating properly, you’ll notice when a strange sound comes up.

What do those air conditioner sounds mean? They mean you need AC repair. Here are some of the most common troubling noises and what they indicate. 

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Is Your Orlando Air Conditioner Ready for the Heat?

March 4th, 2024

Temperatures may still be mild for now, but our hot spring weather will be here soon enough. When it arrives, you’ll want to make sure that your air conditioning system is ready to handle the heat. If you haven’t done so already, now is the perfect time to schedule maintenance for your air conditioner.

But what if your AC has been struggling recently? If you’ve found its performance to be less than stellar, and your home comfort and utility bills have been paying the price, it could be time for an air conditioning replacement. Here are the signs that mean your cooling system may not be ready for the lengthy cooling season ahead.

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