Gary Munson Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

Smelly AC? These Odors Mean You Need Repair!

Monday, June 24th, 2024

Air conditioners can be a little bit finicky. And if something goes wrong, you might not realize at first. One way you might notice a clue that there’s a problem with your air conditioner is with your nose. It’s true! Your air conditioner should not make any odors. If you’ve got a smelly AC, it needs to be repaired. What smells can happen? What do they mean? We’ll tell you.

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Is Your Orlando Air Conditioner Ready for the Heat?

Monday, March 4th, 2024

Temperatures may still be mild for now, but our hot spring weather will be here soon enough. When it arrives, you’ll want to make sure that your air conditioning system is ready to handle the heat. If you haven’t done so already, now is the perfect time to schedule maintenance for your air conditioner.

But what if your AC has been struggling recently? If you’ve found its performance to be less than stellar, and your home comfort and utility bills have been paying the price, it could be time for an air conditioning replacement. Here are the signs that mean your cooling system may not be ready for the lengthy cooling season ahead.

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Replace Vs. Repair: Our Guide

Sunday, July 30th, 2023

Air conditioning repair in Orlando, FL isn’t often at the forefront of a homeowner’s attention. However, like all mechanical devices, these systems experience wear and tear and break down over time. Deciding whether to repair or replace your air conditioning unit can be a challenging task, as it involves considering various factors, including the age of the unit, the nature of the problem, energy efficiency, and long-term cost implications. Let’s explore the key factors to help you make an informed decision on whether to repair or replace your air conditioning unit!

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3 Signs Your AC Is on Its Way Out

Monday, June 19th, 2023

As the summer heat intensifies, our reliance on air conditioning becomes crucial for maintaining a comfortable and livable indoor environment. However, just like any other appliance, an air conditioner has a finite lifespan. Over time, wear and tear can take a toll, leading to decreased performance and potential breakdowns. Today, we will explore three telltale signs that your air conditioner may be on its way out. Recognizing these signs early can help you plan for repairs or a replacement, ensuring uninterrupted comfort during the sweltering summer months!

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Detecting an Electrical Problem With Your AC

Monday, September 19th, 2022

Air conditioners are electrical appliances, whether we like to think of them that way or not. They consume electricity to do a vital job for our home, and that means your home’s energy grid needs to be set up properly to handle the electricity output.

Electrical issues are one of those AC repairs in Orlando, FL that can be tricky to diagnose and handle. They can masquerade themselves as different problems, or even affect other areas of your home making it seem like there’s an issue somewhere else. In truth, an electrical problem is still a problem with your air conditioner and deserves to be looked at by a professional HVAC technician.

Today, we’re going to talk about a few symptoms you might recognize when it comes to an electrical issue in an air conditioner, and how our team can help. You can always count on Gary Munson Heating & Air Conditioning!

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Why Choose Us? A Guide to Better Service

Monday, September 5th, 2022

With every news story being about high inflation and trouble on the economic horizon, it can be easy to look for the cheapest AC work available in your area. For us down here in Orlando, investing in cheap AC service can feel like a no-brainer, but it’s really more complicated than that.

Cheaper AC repairs in Orlando, FL like aren’t usually very good. Think about it–when services like those are cheap, it usually means that the person providing them either isn’t properly licensed, isn’t in business with a reputable company that pays employees well with benefits, or it’s someone who is still learning the ropes. Since your air conditioning matters more than it might for someone living up north, we recommend paying for services that are better, not cheaper.

This blog post is going to talk about some of the reasons why going with better services (like the ones provided by our team) are going to give you better results.

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3 Noises, 3 Different Problems

Monday, June 27th, 2022

Sometimes diagnosing the problem with your air conditioner can feel like you’re solving a mystery or puzzle. You’re given some strange symptoms and you need to try and figure out what’s causing the noises so they can be repaired by a professional.

Now, most of the time we would just tell you to call our team for support since we can do all the diagnosing for you. But that’s not a good enough answer for a lot of people. It can be hard to tell when the right time might be to call for a pro’s help, and this is going to be a blog post that helps you determine if you’re at that point.

Simply put, here are three specific air conditioning noises that can point toward three different problems. If you recognize them, you’ll now know you should call for professional AC repair in Orlando, FL.

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Is That Sound Coming From My AC?

Monday, April 19th, 2021

Well, first it’s important to take some measures to ensure this noise is coming from your AC and not from somewhere else. Make sure the TV is off, the kids are quiet, and whatever other noise-making devices are off or asleep. If the noise you’re hearing can quite obviously still be heard, and you’re able to pinpoint it coming from your AC or your air ducts, then you’ve got a problem. Luckily, we have a solution!

AC noises are nothing new. Just like an old beater car or a computer that’s on its last legs, a machine will start creating noise when it runs into a problem. Air conditioners are just another system that will screech, grumble, clang, or hiss when there’s something clearly amiss. That’s why it’s important you have a professional around to provide HVAC service in Lake Mary, FL. Our team is experienced enough to handle whatever issue your system is running into.

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7 AC Repairs Your System Might Need

Monday, March 22nd, 2021

Start your engines! Get set! Go!

Hot temperatures are well on their way and the race to getting quality air conditioning has begun. However, if your AC is starting to struggle with the burden of keeping your home cool now, then you’ve got a rocky cooling season ahead. So, perhaps it’s time to look into air conditioning repair in Winter Park, FL.

To put it simply, here is a list of seven common repairs that your struggling air conditioner could be dealing with. We’ll talk about where these problems come from, some information about each one, and exactly what you can do about them. Remember, there’s not much a homeowner should do about AC problems without professional help, so make sure you call us! Our team is reliable, fast, and we always target the root of your problem.

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Whatever You Do, Don’t Void That Warranty

Monday, March 8th, 2021

That’s right, you heard us. Put down that wrench, put away your gloves, and closeout that internet tutorial on how to fix your AC. To make a long story short—it’s not worth it.

But we know that many out there read our blogs for the informative content we post, so we’re going to give you more than just a quick answer. AC repair in Windermere, FL is complicated, and it’s not something that a homeowner should even try to accomplish on their own. This isn’t just because it can cause unnecessary damage to the system, render it broken, or even cause wild inefficiency to arise. It’s because you could void your warranty.

Today, we’re going to talk about why warranties are so important and why you should never risk voiding them under any circumstances. Warranties can save you thousands of dollars, and voiding that agreement can cost you the same.

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