Gary Munson Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘air conditioning maintenance’

Why Choose Our MVP Plan?

Monday, April 5th, 2021

That’s a very good question, but one that we hope to answer right here and now. The Gary Munson MVP Plan grants a whole host of benefits for homeowners that subscribe, and it’s also the way you can get some of the best maintenance available in our area. Your air conditioner, your heater, and your indoor air quality systems will all be better off when you sign up for our MVP plan.

We could talk all day about how great it is when used with your air conditioning in Lake Mary, FL, but we don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk. We want to show you exactly what benefits are in-store when you sign up for our MVP plan. We’ll show you exactly how your air conditioner will be improved, and get you right to where you can start saving money and planning that next vacation.

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What No HVAC Maintenance Is Costing You

Monday, January 25th, 2021

Homeowners and industry specialists alike often groan about the cost of a maintenance plan. There are so many features that are included in a plan like ours, that it can be hard to take advantage of all of them. People then think HVAC maintenance in Orlando, FL is some kind of “bonus” service and that they can do without it until their system starts malfunctioning and their bills go through the roof.

What we’d like to make clear today is that HVAC maintenance, for heaters, air conditioners, and any system, is not optional. If you want to even approach a 10-year lifespan for your system, let alone anything beyond that, you’ll need routine maintenance every year. These services are required for very specific reasons that we’ll get into—but the most important thing to remember is that there’s a cost to forgetting to sign up for maintenance.

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What Constitutes a Great Maintenance Plan?

Monday, July 27th, 2020

Here at Gary Munson, our motto is “You will be more comfortable with the best!” Today, we’re going to talk about what this might mean in regards to your air conditioner. How can you be more comfortable with the best maintenance plan in the industry? What can you expect from a good maintenance visit during the springtime or summer? What the heck even is maintenance?

We’re glad you’re asking those questions because they’re important when trying to be a more vigilant homeowner. Neglect is the number one problem causer in this industry, and we’re always happy with a homeowner that’s exploring their comfort options. Any great HVAC contractor in Orlando, FL will have a maintenance plan that really gets at some of the problems our air conditioners start to develop.

What are those problems? Keep reading as we go into detail.

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