Gary Munson Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for April, 2021

Is That Sound Coming From My AC?

Monday, April 19th, 2021

Well, first it’s important to take some measures to ensure this noise is coming from your AC and not from somewhere else. Make sure the TV is off, the kids are quiet, and whatever other noise-making devices are off or asleep. If the noise you’re hearing can quite obviously still be heard, and you’re able to pinpoint it coming from your AC or your air ducts, then you’ve got a problem. Luckily, we have a solution!

AC noises are nothing new. Just like an old beater car or a computer that’s on its last legs, a machine will start creating noise when it runs into a problem. Air conditioners are just another system that will screech, grumble, clang, or hiss when there’s something clearly amiss. That’s why it’s important you have a professional around to provide HVAC service in Lake Mary, FL. Our team is experienced enough to handle whatever issue your system is running into.

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Why Choose Our MVP Plan?

Monday, April 5th, 2021

That’s a very good question, but one that we hope to answer right here and now. The Gary Munson MVP Plan grants a whole host of benefits for homeowners that subscribe, and it’s also the way you can get some of the best maintenance available in our area. Your air conditioner, your heater, and your indoor air quality systems will all be better off when you sign up for our MVP plan.

We could talk all day about how great it is when used with your air conditioning in Lake Mary, FL, but we don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk. We want to show you exactly what benefits are in-store when you sign up for our MVP plan. We’ll show you exactly how your air conditioner will be improved, and get you right to where you can start saving money and planning that next vacation.

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