Gary Munson Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for October, 2021

Is Your AC on Its Last Legs?

Monday, October 18th, 2021

This is a question that we think is worth considering. For many homeowners, their air conditioner is going to last as long as physically possible. We get it, nobody wants to replace a system that still works. Money doesn’t grow on trees and an air conditioning replacement can be one of the most expensive investments for a home. However, we want to make it clear that not investing in a replacement can be an expensive cost as well.

Air conditioning in Orlando, FL needs to be effective, efficient, and convenient. If it’s not meeting your needs in one of those areas, then you might be in need of a replacement. We’re not just trying to be picky. Down below we’ll be explaining why all of these categories can be a cost that you pay for if you avoid AC replacement.

If your AC is on its last legs and needs to be retired, our team will walk you through it every step of the way.

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Pay Attention to High Energy Bills

Monday, October 4th, 2021

It’s been a rough week, and the last thing you wanted to see was a spike in your energy bill. Pulling out your wallet, you hope that this is a fluke and not some kind of trend that’s going to cost you down the line.

We all understand this perspective. High energy bills can surprise us, and there’s no option to not pay them, so they can throw a wrench into our budget plans. That vacation can be pushed out another month from one inefficient energy bill.

Well, we’re here to help you examine your energy bills and take note of any trends or a problem that’s in need of repairs. It’s the responsibility of an HVAC company in Orlando, FL to help homeowners with their energy efficiency and ensure their heating and cooling systems aren’t wasting money. Let’s try and figure out if there’s any room for improvement on your energy bill.

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