Gary Munson Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category

Allergies? It’s Time for an Air Purifier

Monday, June 10th, 2024

This time of year, if you’re an allergy sufferer, you’re probably really suffering. There’s a major uptick in pollen during the springtime, especially tree pollen. The humidity is also increasing, and it will continue to do so throughout the summer. This leads to increased levels of other allergens, so even if you’re not allergic to pollen, you may be experiencing allergy symptoms.

All of this adds up to a very unpleasant set of circumstances that make it very hard to enjoy this beautiful time of year. But we’ve got good news for you! There’s no need to keep suffering. If you have allergy symptoms or other respiratory irritation, an air purifier can make you breathe easier and help you to enjoy the springtime. 

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Our Guide to Maximum Duct Efficiency

Monday, February 20th, 2023

Your ducts do a lot of heavy lifting for your home. Sure, they may not actually heat and cool air, but what good would all that temperature treated air be without a delivery system to make good use of it?

Exactly–it’s important, which is why you need to consider duct sealing in Orlando, FL to keep your ducts up-to-date and as efficient as possible.

But it’s not just sealing. There’s a lot that goes into your ductwork’s efficiency, so let’s break it all down right now.

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3 Signs Your Ducts Are in Disrepair

Monday, December 26th, 2022

Your air ducts serve an important role, although it’s one that we often forget about since they don’t always require annual maintenance. These three telltale signs of ductwork damage need to be identified as soon as possible.

Duct repair can be a big job, from diagnosing the issue to repairing multiple areas of your ducts during a single visit. If you need duct repair in Orlando, FL, give us a call. In the meantime, let’s help you find out if there’s an issue or not.

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Couple Your AC With a Dehumidifier!

Monday, May 16th, 2022

We’ve spoken on this blog about the importance of a dehumidifier in our neck of the woods, but we rarely go into a lot of detail about it. Well, we’re going to change that today by giving you some of the best reasons why a dehumidifier might be your most anticipated purchase this year. Especially if you’ve got an air conditioner that’s relatively young or in good shape, a dehumidifier might be a great way to improve energy efficiency, make your home more comfortable, and help your AC last long into old age.

Dehumidifiers in Orlando, FL are systems that draw moisture out of the air as their primary job. While your air conditioner might also do this job, it doesn’t do it nearly as well and it’s not the focus of your AC. By running a dehumidifier simultaneously with your air conditioner, your AC can focus on cooling your home while your dehumidifier focuses on drawing moisture out of the air.

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Target Foul Odors With an Air Purifier

Monday, February 7th, 2022

Air purifiers are amazing technological advancements. Back before we mastered ultraviolet light technology, we needed to rely on cleaning the surfaces in our home to stay healthy and safe. Back then we had more smokers, more toxins in the air, and to top it all off, we didn’t know how bad these toxins were for us. Now, we have all the data we need to know that there are contaminants floating around in our air and we have the technology to fight them.

Today, we want to talk specifically about foul odors. When you pick up a strange scent in your home, your nose goes through a very interesting biological process to target the source of the odor. With an air purifier in Orlando, FL, you can more easily remove the source of a contaminant that your nose has picked up on.

Let’s get to business and talk about how an air purifier removes odors.

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Get Rid of Unwanted Moisture Today

Monday, September 6th, 2021

Moisture isn’t necessarily bad. There are a lot of different types of moisture we enjoy, like the steam that comes from a hot shower or the cool water mist that comes from one of those spinning fan toys. Basically, moisture isn’t really that big of a deal unless we’re talking about HVAC or home improvement. And we hate to be the bearers of bad news, but this is an HVAC blog!

Basically, humidity can cause all sorts of problems for a home. Without a dehumidifier in Orlando, FL, there’s nothing to stop moisture from causing mold growth, weakening the foundation of your home, and adding to the uncomfortable temperatures we get when a heatwave arrives. The only true and tested solution for this is the installation of a dehumidification system that our team can provide.

Read on as we get into the specifics of why dehumidifiers are so necessary for our neck of the woods!

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Air Quality FAQ: How Does a UV Germicidal Light Work?

Monday, August 9th, 2021

Improving indoor air quality can play a vital role in improving your family’s health. From air purifiers and air filters to dehumidifiers, there are a number of things you can install to clean the air within your home. UV germicidal lights can be a huge help with indoor air quality. 

To the uninitiated, UV or ultraviolet light is a type of electromagnetic radiation found naturally in sunlight. It makes up nearly 10% of the total light the sun generates. This light is not visible to the naked eye and can be distributed into three sub-bands: 

  • UV-A: Wavelength range between 315 nm (nanometers) to 400 nm 
  • UV-B: Wavelength range between 280 nm to 315 nm 
  • UV-C Wavelength range between 100 nm to 280 nm 

What does that have to do with air purification, though? Here we highlight how UV germicidal light can be used for disinfection and if you can benefit from a UV air purifier in Orlando, FL.

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You Might Need an Air Filtration System

Monday, July 26th, 2021

Air quality is superb in Orlando. It’s clear that tourists come specifically to our neck of the woods in order to escape their stuffy homes during the winter and enjoy our wonderful fresh air! While our outdoor air has a superb quality, we don’t spend the majority of our time outdoors.

Whether you’re working, hanging out at home, or participating in your favorite hobbies with the family, it’s most likely going to be inside your house. Homes in Orlando have been built to keep cool air inside with incredible efficiency, which means you’re less likely to interact with the outside air. While our outdoor air quality might be great, it’s common for air quality indoors to be subpar.

An air filtration system in Orlando, FL could be your ticket to fresh, clean air indoors. With the help of this kind of indoor air quality technology, you can appreciate our amazing outdoor air quality while also achieving comfortable air quality within your home as well.

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Dispelling Two Myths About Whole House Dehumidifiers

Monday, December 2nd, 2019

It’s no mystery that there’s enough humidity down here to make you feel like you’re drowning on the worst of days. Humidification is a leading cause of discomfort in Orlando, which is why we’ve got the tools necessary to combat it. Introducing the whole house dehumidifier, a piece of equipment that will keep the entirety of your home dry and clear of the excessive amount of water vapors that exist outside.

Though, if you’re savvy enough to be a frequent visitor of online Google searches and web forums, you’d know that there were some pretty disconcerting myths about whole-house dehumidifiers in Orlando, FL. So, we’ve written this post to try and dispel some of those myths, so that if you were originally thinking of investing in one—don’t be shy, give us a call!

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